Friday 17 June 2011

Google Panda Update – How It Affects Search Engine Optimisation

As you know Google is the primary search engine that all businesses are aiming to dominate and recently a major update has been released affecting all websites. It is not uncommon for Google to release updates as they are constantly improving the way they rank sites, as a business owner it is your responsibility to ensure your website keeps track with those updates.

At Sigma InfoTech our teams of experts have studied the latest update called the “Panda Update” and identified three major changes to
Search engine optimisation in the update you need to understand:

SEO Major Change 1: Poor Quality = Poor Results

In the Panda Update Google changed the algorithm it uses to index and rank sites so that it discounted low quality, low value sites. Sites that have unique, valuable content will be ranked higher then sites that have low value, duplicate content.

No longer can a cheap, duplicate content site rank well in the search engine you must invest in building quality sites with well-written and well-researched content. This is not something new though as at Sigma InfoTech we have always told our clients they need quality content and quality sites to get long-term search engine results.

Search Engine Optimisation Major Change 2: Become Google’s Content Partner

The second major change in the Panda Update is Google has stated publicly they will reward trusted, high quality sites. It is important right now to ensure you are optimizing your site effectively and within Google’s terms of service. If you are doing this then you will be rewarded by Google, here is the direct quote from Google:

“Google depends on the high-quality content created by wonderful websites around the world, and we do have a responsibility to encourage a healthy web ecosystem. Therefore, it is important for high-quality sites to be rewarded, and that’s exactly what this change does.”

When creating your website ensure you are producing content and pages on your site that reflect what Google and your visitor requires. Sigma InfoTech clients should be elated with this news as all of your websites are built on this principle.
Website Optimisation Major Change 3: Win-Win-Win

An out-dated but often used technique for Search Engine Optimisation is to write content designed to rank well in search engines without considering your readers. The “Panda Update” is forcing website publishers to provide content that is “Win-Win-Win”.

Win 1: Provide content that readers and visitors want to read and find valuable

Win 2: Provide content that is well search engine optimised and easily indexed by Google

Win 3: Rank well because you have achieved your visitors and Google’s goals

Simply put, the Panda Update means website owners who are making an investment in quality content, quality
web design and website design quality coding will be rewarded. Google is trying to improve the quality of their search engine results and by following their simple rules you will start to rank well.

Friday 10 June 2011

In Web Design content and semantic markup plays important roles for deciding the success of site

As the Information Technology is growing and showcasing new specializations there is a need to distinguish between web design and web development.   Web design is a kind of graphic design and styling to provide end users with a level of comfort and easy of use while navigating through any web page.

Web design is a term which refers to the way any web page is delivered to the end users over the internet with the use of different web browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Web page design has various measures ranging from the technical specifications to the look and feel of the web page over the internet. Success of any web page depends upon the right combination of web design parameters. Following article is an attempt to make you out of such important features.

First and foremost thing is the content of the web page. Highly attractive web page design may attract the attention of the user for a while but later on content is the key for the successful translation of that visitor in to a customer. Try to keep content of the webpage as precise as possible and avoid using words not suitable for a particular group of people.
If considered technologically the content can be published over the Website Design by using different types of programming languages like HTML, XHTML and XML. Videos and photos also can be published over the page by using different programming scripts.

Typically web site design can be of two types Static and Dynamic. Static sites are useful while web page design has a solo purpose of providing information to the end users. Static pages don’t change content and layout with every request unless a human (web master/programmer) manually updates the page. A simple HTML page is an example of static content. While dynamic pages facilitates user with interactive web environment and are useful when the purpose of the website is to sell some product, asking for feedback and complaints etc. Dynamic pages adapt their content and/or appearance depending on end-user’s input/interaction or changes in the computing environment. Content can be changed on the client side (end-user's computer) by using client-side scripting languages.

If you own a business consider dynamic websites as dynamic websites offer the user a feel that they are visiting the company itself. Different interactive and multimedia options provide website a fresh and attractive look and feel. Blogs, forums and Social book marking sites are the examples of dynamic sites. Frequently changing text of dynamic sites retain a particular user over the site as each time user log in to the site he gets a fresh chunk of information and value able suggestions.

There is a predefined structure of web pages for the ease of search engines and other databases more popularly known as semantic markup. Semantic markup provides a meaningful structure for the web pages and defines its importance. Use of proper semantic markup is very much needed as the web page may loose its structure and search engines may feel the web page design of poor quality. With the progression of the Web, tens of thousands